Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Now I can open the doors of my craft room ... Once upon a time ..... who

comes naturally to me ... the end of each year to create order and throw the old and useless ... and this year 'been so' ... both at home and in my craft room .. and believe me there was really needed ... in the last few months I had a little 'overlooked and more ... house needed a nice restyling ... actually 'there is still much to do ... but are well ... and No I can certainly complain .. even' cause with two small girls nn 'easy to be able to keep everything under control .. in piu' lodges are my ...
today after a long time I was living in order ... in fact often with Tabblo runner and riser ethnic Christmas with candles on the table .. i have remained on the couch pillows and quilts folded ... You ask how did I do? Beatrice was simple from my mom and when Valerie and 'went home after the walk with his hero Pope', and is 'amazed and told me "Mom how nice ... and it' was very good, no nn destroyed. .. also 'cause I'm two days, inexplicably mi aiuta nelle faccende domestiche...e' l'addetta a spolverare la polvere e a mettere i cuscini sul divano...
proprio ieri ha detto alla sorella di nn girare col pane che fa briciole e sporca ... lei aveva appena finito di pulire...naturalmente l'ordine e' durato fino alle ore 17..come e' rientrata Attila...
Alcuni post fa vi avevo dato un piccolo assaggio del mio piccolo regno....ed ora ho pensato di farvelo vedere per intero....mancano ancora alcuni piccoli arredi...come il piccolo divano a letto ikea(ho deciso per il solsta ,piccolo e confortevole)e la stufa...ma quella e' arrivata proprio oggi con mia immensa gioia...fa un caldo tropicale...divina...l'adoro!!!e come si dice sempre...

my work area .... a big desk (that of the former chamber Giorgia) which we had placed to accommodate the bed of Beatrice

ikea chest of drawers inside that holds all the tapes by type and color

you remember that old bookcase that I had recovered in the attic and I had to Cres shabba?

He eventually found his place ....
the thousands of jars of nutella oversized containers are divided by color buttons ... ..
boxes and boxes containing various materials including those .. all broken ...
are messy .. but when I start ... I become manic

pampering surrounded by her friends that give me some .. you see .. I still have the other system ...

with an old roll that my husband has stuck to the wall, and 'became the port scotch ...
that they always seek and never find them nn .. now they are all the 'in plain sight ...

the small library has all my papers and books ... the cabinets containing all my clothes
sacred and the door? well and '.. the bathroom with shower and bath .. and girls ... when you do things you do for good ...
and 'still under renovation ... but ... it must be working only under the tiled window ...

wool, cotton, thread and embroidery and the colors .... mia mitica radio ..quella che si sente solo radio capodistria....nn l'ho ancora gettata dalla finestra solo perche' ha un desiner carino...molto vintage..ma soprattutto perche' l'ho vinta con un gratta e vinci del supermercato...

ed infine il vecchio mobile porta cucito della mia bisnonna Anna....fatto a decoupage al tempo..ma che sta aspettando un nuovo look....lui e' il custode di tutte le passamanerie,zig zag, pizzi e merletti...e le varie cianfrusaglie nn catalogate.....

Io adoro la mia stanza....
In questi giorni che nn ho fatto praticamente nulla..ogni tanto scendevo per andarmela ad ammirare....
mi fa anche sospirare.....
Son fuori..e che ci devo fare...
Prossimamente vi mostrero' le coccole creative che delle care amiche mi hanno inviato per questo natale..Aspetto d'essere presentabile per fotografarmi con una di queste chicche indossata....ehhhhh!!!! vi ho incuriosite vero? beh dovrete aspettare il prossimo post.....

Non stancatevi troppo ...ma soprattutto nn imbrogliate using a vacuum cleaner to first ....

BEN HO THREE SOCKS TO PREPARE .... nn ... these are my little thoughts for the three small children of my last passenger marsutai ....!!!!

these are for you ....



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