Sunday, January 30, 2011

Does Cat Has To Be Chipped To Enter Usa

Old Birthday Cake Basket of Flowers

Pan di spagna  da 5 uova
150 g zucchero
75 g farina
75 g frumina
a pinch of salt
in pan for 26

Bagna to soak

water, orange, sugar.

diplomatic Cream: Custard orange and cream



Cream butter

special thanks to all Civette   che mi hanno aiutato a realizzare questo capolavoro!.

Grazie, grazie mille! Proxy

Scraps of life .... An angel

time ago I received two awards, both by Gilda that part of Giuliedda , which is to tell .... as I do, however, more often than I thought I'd do it through some photos symbol ....

In two months I was so'.....
glutton and a good sleeper .....
to that of my mother ...

3 years .... I was more nn 's so good and nice ....
pero 'I continued to eat and sleep ....

5 years

... .. I loved the clothes of a princess and having inherited this from a cousin more 'I have more great nn' removed .... my mom tells me that ' so I used 'just to play it ... I have destroyed

14 years
great .. the super cold snow ...
I my brother and our dog Bilka
on this occasion my brother (always creative)
built 'an igloo ... as well as a mega snowman ....
No one could remember walking in the garden 'cause you ruined the snow ... then di nascosto andava nei giardini vicini e con la carriola la rubava....

18 anni
il mio primo viaggio con gli amici
la magnifica Parigi....
e' stato un viaggio bellissimo e Parigi davvero una citta' indimenticabile...

 a 19 anni
il mio viaggio studio in quel di Londra
due mesi per imparare la lingua....
ho imparato.. but I also forgot ....
son came home with a very rich and personal baggage with 10 kg in piu '...

unique photographic exhibit of the only sweater made grilled ...
.... this was the period orange ....
ANAS maybe I wanted to go to work?

at age 23 I got married ...
and 'started another adventure ....
but this is' another story ...

The cake I had seen on a magazine and I liked it a lot ... very true today? While the bouquet of flowers ... well all know that nn the years that we were a florist .. my husband was preparing all the flower arrangements and bouquets for the wedding ... No pity that I have pictures .. who knows' where are over ... but it was really good .. my the had prepared him ... and it was really amazing ... if he sees a glimpse into the side of the cake ... Thank you for
got here ...
a little anticipation ....
Today my blog turns 3 years ... I smell BLOG CANDY .....
....prossimamente su questi schermi....

Saturday, January 29, 2011

How Much Cheese For 100 People

of Yogurt Cake 7

1 vasetto di yogurt
3 uova intere
2 vasetti di zucchero
2 vasetti di farina
1 vasetto di maizena
1 vasetto di olio di semi
1/2 bustina di lievito per dolci

Mix in a bowl with the yogurt 3 eggs. Using the jar of yogurt as a measuring cup, add 2 cups of sugar, 3 cups of sifted flour with cornstarch, 1 jar of oil, baking powder and salt.
Pour the batter into a cake pan lined with parchment paper and cook for 25-30 minutes at 170 degrees.
Once baked and cooled cake decorated with icing sugar.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Congratulation Baby Statements


those who missed the preview of the 27th and the reply of 28 January dovrà aspettare il prossimo 24 luglio per poter rivedere lo straordinario film, quando uscirà il relativo Dvd. E’ possibile però vedere i filmati presentati da Andrea Dalla Costa a “Life in a Day” sul canale youtube all’indirizzo andreadallacostatv.

Per la giovane famiglia codroipese di Andrea Dalla Costa incredibile è stata l’emozione di vedersi come co-protagonista nel film- documentario che la notte del 27 gennaio ed in replica il 28 alle 19.00, è stato proiettato in anteprima mondiale al Sundance Film Festival U.S.A sul canale, prima tappa del giro mondiale in cui sarà presentato in tutti i Festival cinematografici. Tra movies that tell how you have lived all over the globe July 24, 2010, there is also the scene of the family while mom Vanessa codroipese shooting, eight months pregnant, to discover the belly to the two daughters of 2 and 4 years . A very tender scene that opened the sequence as you're born in different parts of the world, including a happy event live giraffe. This is the first documentary film produced by YouTube with Ridley Scott, the director of Blade Runner and Gladiator, directed by Kevin Macdonald, Oscar in 2000. Both creators of "Life in a Day" initiative which is an experimental documentary feature film made with a collage of video recorded in the whole the world in one day: July 24, 2010. The request of the directors involved first-hand the huge Internet population who responded en masse. 80,000 movies (over 4500 hours of footage) from 196 countries around the world have come to their selection. Andrea Dalla Costa has also participated with some videos that have stopped pieces of his life and his family the same day. But the surprise was to receive direct communication from the same directors to be joined in the shortlist of those who are part of the omnibus film, "The story of a day on earth through the eyes of thousands of people" lasting 90 minutes, which testifies to the life of July 24, 2010 in every corner of the world and gives the role co-directors of all the authors of the video and the inclusion of their names on the credits. According to Macdonald, the film represents a time capsule that will tell future generations as he was living at the time of the July 24, 2010. It will be a unique experiment in social director. " Those who missed the preview of the 27th and the reply of 28 January will have to wait until next July 24 to review the extraordinary film, when it comes out on the DVD.

The artistic Dalla Costa began to assert itself in 2005 when he had the opportunity to be part of a select group of students of the Academy of Fine Arts of Venice, this at the 51st Venice Biennale, in the space EDU.
Art is fundamental to Dalla Costa, also in his professional career, it is the art director for the communications group UNIDEA alongside the Creative Director Sandro Comini. To continue the path of fame, at the end of 2010, the agency Unidea scored three awards and a nomination in the national contest "prize-Mediastars technical advertisements" within the agency Unidea, ranked first in the category " EventSystemIdentity "campaign" Bortoloni, Piazzetta and Tiepolo, Venetian 700 "with Vittorio Sgarbi testimonial. Dalla Costa, for "Cristalplant Project" received the award “Special Star” nella sezione “Promotions” e una nomination in Short List nella sezione “Corporate Identity” per le video-installazioni frutto della personalissima creatività.
“Il messaggio sarà sempre più importante del mezzo di comunicazione che lo veicola, ma il mezzo è diventato determinante per valorizzare il messaggio”, così Dalla Costa commenta il suo operare che lo ha portato a ricevere premi nazionali e riconoscimenti internazionali. Parafrasando i titoli dei film dei due registi hollywoodiani, possiamo dire che “il Gladiatore friulano alla corte dell’ultimo Re di Scozia, sta vivendo la vita in un giorno”.

FROM COSTA co-director of FILM WORLD LIFE IN A DAY "For the young family

codroipese Andrea Dalla Costa, 36, was the incredible feeling of being in the documentary film on the night of January 27 and repeated on 28, on YouTube, has been shown in world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival USA, the first stage of the world around it will be submitted in all film festivals. Among the movies that tell how you have lived all over the globe July 24, 2010, there is also the scene of the family while mom Vanessa codroipese shooting, eight months pregnant, to discover the belly to the two daughters of 2:04 years. A scene very tender, which opened the sequence of how it arises in various parts of the world, including the happy event of a live giraffe.

What exactly is "Life in a Day"?
This is the first documentary film produced by Ridley Scott, director of Blade Runner and Gladiator, directed by Kevin Macdonald, Oscar in 2000, in collaboration with YouTube. Both are creators of "Life in a Day" or "Life in a Day, the initiative which is an experimental film made with a collage of video recorded in the whole world in one day: July 24, 2010. The idea was to document for the future, what life was like in the globe in 2010, and, specifically, in that very day. The request of the directors involved first-hand the huge Internet population who responded en masse.
80,000 members (over 4500 hours of footage) from 196 countries around the world have come to their selection.

How did you know?
Well! I do not have a television in my house, never had. It seems strange for someone who deals with communication, but it is so. I get up early in the morning and read news on the Web.
I'm a fan of Youtube and its July 24, five in the morning, I was in front of the monitor when I read the invitation of the renowned directors. I said "why not?"
So I filmed a few blocks of my life, the normal che avrei vissuto comunque.
Insomma, la vita normale, come avevano caldeggiato i registi. E poi li ho spediti.

Cosa ha documentato con le sue telecamere?

L’alba nei campi di Iutizzo, lo scorrere dell’acqua del Tagliamento a Belgrado, mia nonna che uccide un pollo, mia figlia di due anni in pronto soccorso per una lieve ferita, le campane di Santa Marizza, io mentre cucino, le mie bambine che studiano e accarezzano il pancione della loro madre, all’ottavo mese di gravidanza.

E poi cos’è successo?
La sorpresa più grande è stata ricevere direttamente da Kevin MacDonald la comunicazione di essere entrato nella ristretta rosa di coloro che fanno parte del film collective, "The story of a day on earth through the eyes of thousands of people" lasting 90 minutes, demonstrating the life of 24 July 2010 in every corner of the world and gives the role of co-directors to all the authors selected video and the inclusion of their names on the credits. A feeling really great because, according to Macdonald, the film represents a time capsule that will tell future generations as he was living at the time of the July 24, 2010. A unique experiment in social-movie. " Even more intense was the time when my family saw the scene placed at the beginning of the sequences that demonstrate how one is born into the world.

L’anteprima mondiale è andata in onda la notte del 27 gennaio 2011 e in replica il 28 al Sundance Film Festival U.S.A. di Robert Redfort.
Chi si è perso l’anteprima come può vedere il film?
Dovrà aspettare il prossimo 24 luglio quando uscirà il film in Dvd. Nel frattempo sarà presente in tutti i Festival cinematografici del mondo.
E’ sempre possibile però vedere i miei filmati per “Life in a Day” sul mio canale

Questa esperienza mondiale, di così ampia portata, cosa Le ha procurato?
E’ una di quelle esperienze che arricchiscono pur senza dare denaro. Non nascondo di esser felice di essermi impegnato, beyond the result that took me by surprise. Having constant correspondence with the office of Scott MacDonald, giving each of you, well! This is not something everyday. And then the avalanche of interviews also nationally on radio and television stations confirms how powerful the web and how you can create masterpieces worldwide by entrusting their creativity to professionals of exceptional caliber, which probably will never meet in person.

Creativity is also his profession. His comments as "multimedia adventure?"
I think the message will be increasingly important medium that conveys it, but the means has become crucial to enhance the message and, to paraphrase the titles of Hollywood film directors of the two, now I am a Gladiator from Friuli in the court of the last King of Scotland, who is living life in a day.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Give For Silent Reflux

jars of chocolate wafer cake

Print your chosen design in a mirror, place and secure it with tape on a hard surface. Place a sheet over the image of baking paper and secure it with tape before I
melted dark chocolate and I did all the edges.
Melt the chocolate and make all edges. Allow to dry.
Melt the white chocolate, colorful and filled spaces, also covering the outline.
Let dry again, still wanting to make a layer of chocolate to make more solid the wafer.
When dry, remove the baking paper. If
the colors are not entirely satisfactory, enough to spend some 'dye with the brush.

If you do not loose too much chocolate, the butter because it contains will be divided by creating a bubble effect boring and unattractive.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Advance Map1.91 Pokemon

retro '

...devo ancora fare le ali...sono un po' pensero' su....

E' da circa un anno che questa stoffa aspetta di essere usata
una vintage della red rooster...
finalmente e' arrivato il suo momento...
e debutta come abito per l'ultima tilda nata in casa country prima del 2011
Mi sono ispirata all'ultimo angelo , uscira' in primavera,che la nostra finnangher ha disegnato
Non essendoci ancora il kit e nemmeno il cartamodello ,me lo sono fatto da me
...nn chi l'ha dura la vince...
io da brava capricorno ,ho tenuto duro e ce l'ho fatta...
Inutile dirvi che nn l'adoro...e che se ne restera' a casa mia...
Quando l'ho iniziata nn sapevo bene dove andare a parare..tant'e' che il corpo ignudo e' rimasto sulla scrivania per circa una settimana...quando stamattina ho avuto l'illuminazione...

 Per motivi di studio(si fa per dire...) sono stata due mesi a londra,abitavo in una laterale di portobello road..ogni sabato ero solita andare al famosissimo mercatino...c'era un negozio nel quale mi fermavo sempre...
un negozio che vendeva abiti d'epoca ..molto vintage
I remember there was one in particular that I love it ...
was in old rose brocade
model resembles this

I tried it too ... but I was too big. ..
the following Saturday I went to buy it ... but it had sold

As always I'm lost in the details ...
the stole on his shoulders, I held more 'long, and ends with' I created the Roses, where I spent two very old beads

... .. and her bag in true vintage style? I fly about ....?!!!
with a piece of cloth I made a flat card .. I fouled with watercolor and then I burned .. to give even more 'sense of the old life ... ..
I had an old rose and I applied the color was perfect ... With a bit of tape 'gold ends in' I did the shoulder ...
fantastic ....!!!

Even combing and 'designed ...
wanted something smart .. so I collected the hair in a bun but leave 'soft legggermente enriching the sides ... and I msso a small flower of macrame'

sorry .. but the enthusiasm as I have already 'said I like it a lot ...

Mrs. and 'ready to go out ... have a gala evening at the first ... ... or the large scale gala' Rose in Monaco .. or as I know. .. at a dinner at the White House ... in any of these places out of place ...
A warm hug from your vintage

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Why Does My Seman Smell Like Fish

are here ready to come away with you ....
seconds .... you could say no to this pretty little bird?
.... but when ever!! And now here is on the mantelpiece of my angels and my lantern ...
loves it and she 'was love at first sight ...!!!!
Also purchased at that beautiful store in Pula girls have real treasures ... .. bad luck / good fortune would have it, the time when I went .. nn had so much natural after the holidays but ... However we managed to come away with a little booty ... who knows 'why' we are able to find women of all ...

and give to Caesar what is' Caesar .....
my friend apple (apple country) this year for my birthday and it 'really outdated ...
and finally after 11 years 'success in a shocker ... (kidding!)
after the terror that could give me underpants or socks .. and it' made at home with a bag .. . Intimissimi was nn (nn .. but luckily I can blame her .. I hate to buy socks and underwear .. so 'she' always caring ... but this time taken by a fit I had formed the basis ... after smoking something strange .. .. because surely 'nn' from me to take some action ...)
SHORT .. in short ... I got the lamp more 'beautiful in the world ...
that is perfectly everywhere ...
E 'was a gift even more' valuable knowledge that there was just this ....
a vintage lamp that comes from the German markets ... and it 'was restored to perfection ...
what do you think?
fabulous right?
I look every day .. now part of my little personal treasure .... what andra 'a legacy' ... if Apple weir first and I know that 'you .... you have a thousand witnesses .. .!!!!

fell to the side, con toccatina scaramantica all'unico gioiello in  casa ....
ecco che cosa ha cucinato, oggi la vostra lauretta per la gioia di grandi e piccini....

....doveva essere una domenica da urlo..con gita in montagna ..tra la neve bianca e soffice...invece forze maggiori lavorative ,hanno impedito la nostra uscita....
per affondare il gran dolore mi sono data alla cucina...
ho spadellato tutta la mattina... rilassandomi  tantissimo...
ma tornando ai biscotti..peccato che nn si vedano benissimo..pero' vi assicuro che sono squisiti..veloci e facili
la ricetta l'ho trovata per caso girovagando  e la trovate qui garantisco che farete un successone...

Sto un po' rivoluzionando casa ..diciamo ora solo col pensiero..ho tante idee in mente..pian piano ...tutto si fa...
Nel frattempo ho ricreato l'angolo in cucina con delle cose che avevo che ora ho voluto ritirar fuori...
Vasi in vetro spesso col tappo di sughero...regali di nozze...l'oliera trovata al mercato per pochissime lire...ed il bellissimo vaso in vetro porta biscotti...
tutti posizionati sopra un tagliere di legno girevole ikea...

beatrice while pulling my hair and then kisses me and asks me to go by valeria "little Einsteins" I greet you warmly wish you good continuation of Sarata ....
baby tv songs in lullaby nn are having some effect ...
AIUTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MI are torturing .....!!!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Food Diary Template Ibs

Sweets Little treasures ... country ...

Le bambole sono sempre state il mio pallino..forse perche' in passato mi venivano davvero brutte..cosi' brutte che mia figlia Giorgia le ha sempre odiate...ora pero' si e' ricreduta..ed anche se queste nn sono il suo genere...le piacciono....per me il suo parere e' molto importante...!!!
Ed eccomi su questi schermi con il mio amato cucito creativo..che per un po' di tempo ho messo da parte...ogni tanto una pausa ci vuole...
Questa dolcissima bambolina e' il regalo che Rosaelena e le sue sorelle hanno fatto per natale alla loro mamma...
Carina vero?

country e molto dolce...
essendo destinata ad un salotto in arte povera ho scelto questi colori...lino tinta naturale a righine ,pizzo sangallo al quale ho inserito un nastrino rosa antico,che riprende il colore dei mutandoni e della cinta in vita...
tra le mani un cuore in feltro ....che rappresenta il grande amore delle figlie per la loro mamma

mi sono divertita un sacco a farla...a choose colors and embroidery are satisfied with the result ... and ... and ... the lady even wrote me a beautiful girls mail ...

Since the camera was discharged nn I could make some decent pictures of the beautiful Giorgia cup got ...

little heart above the detail of the ceramic

deliziosa? la ragazza ha gusto nn c'e' che dire....
Queste sotto invece sono le due tazzone che io e gio' ci siamo regalate per natale....sono enormi rosse a pois..fantastiche...!!!!
le abbiamo prese in un sito inglese...sapete quegli shop da urlo ....costosississimi...
nn e' vero...le ho trovate da oviesse alla modica cifra di 2.99 cent l'una...
un vero affare...potevo lasciarmelo scappare? assolutamente no!!!!
voi che avreste fatto?
il bellissimo cuore sticherato e' uno dei preziosi regali che la mia amica mariarita(crocette in rete) mi ha fatto...!!!
Vado a riordinare la casa  e to take a shower .. I have guests tonight to celebrate my birthday in Friuli .. and I must be at least presentable .. also because 'already' the godfather screaming over his ears and told me that I am old and I speak loudly, for fear I feel ... nn TO GET YOU TO MY LEO venerable age'.... NN E 'AND THEN YOU ALL THERE ...
there will be 'my friend and family ... and they ate like wolves ....
and 'almost ready .. nn apple worry ...!!!!

forgot ... I made the cupcake ... I feel like a woman ... made the recipe I found here and also delicious biscuits ... but the ones I refer you to a another post ... I missed the beautiful cooking .. da vedere..spacca denti da mangiare...nonostante tutto pero' sono finiti....!!!!
con tutte ste tazze dovremo fare dei bei te con  pasticcini...per la gioia di gio'...che mi ha letteralmente smontata a casa dei nonni dicendo che sono una frana in cucina....MA STA RAGAZZA NN SA CHE NN SI DEVONO FARE CERTE ILLAZIONI A CASA DI UNA SUOCERA?CHE POI PENSA...NO A COSA MANGIANO LE NIPOTI...MA..."MA CHE LE FA STA DONNA DA MANGIARE AL MIO BAMBINO?"

speak .. but what are still here ....
are dangerous woman ... Ummmmm!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Car Restoration Ireland

Che tristezza...siamo gia' tornati a casa ... la nostra breve vacanza e' finita troppo quickly ...
We left a sunny and warm in our cold Sardinia to return Monfalcone ...
off the plane we welcomed a cold, damp and dense fog ....
Luckily there 'dated my blog on thoughts and pictures .. just as soon as I' nostalgia will come back 'to read and look at the pictures ...
bigaroni The family rooms on the plane .. the first time for the small home ...!!! so thrilled ... especially, by Beatrice, now opens the bathroom .... I remember leaving a nice house ... I know it bigaroni and airport are about 5 minutes drive ... and Beatrice had just been changed ... the little details .. nice start boarded the plane as a central place ... ... and here beatrice from 'the best of' .. screaming, crying and yelling as nn nn ... we never know if 'cause was legta or shock caused by the hostess. .. and here falls on the myth of the hostess .. nice and sweet woman who tries to reassure our ... was anything ... after we tie the singer to his father, a quarter of an hour before .. NN had pity 'for her even after her screams of protest ... and the stampede of passengers near us exhausted ... slept all the way up to a .. .. we wanted to give during landing. ..
Apart from this little digression lyric .. the journey and 'went well ... in sales of watches and perfumes marks mood .. scratch cards, to experience the thrill the super payout that will change 'life, in flight ... almost a mini bar with prices to scream ... ... we arrived at Cagliari quick lunch e. \u200b\u200b.. destination via Pula ...
days have been very nice .. even if the girls were a bit 'hit by the tram tram away ... just getting used to the last day ... but I must say that I was good in the end are small ... and say they have held up quite well ....
Sardinia gave us the magical days .. really spring flowers and green everywhere ...
On my birthday we went to the beach .. my favorite beach in the beautiful bay called ... .. and in Winter, 'even more' beautiful ... .. feel the sea breeze and the sound of waves' was really rilassante..le bmbine si sono divertite..hanno giocato silenziose con la sabbia...

e' stata davvero una splendida giornata...tutti e 5 assieme in una delle spiaggie piu' belle
rilassati e felici...
La giornata l'abbiamo finita a casa dei miei cognati con una buonissima cena che hanno cucinato per festeggiarmi...
tutti assieme..
sembrava natale...

But these days being at home was indeed a suicide .. so 'and' escaped a trip to the mountains with beautiful outdoor dining ...
But there seems to January?

While the boys barbecue was waiting impatiently for the tasty sausages and costesine ...
CAN blame him?

Here food and 'all natural .. cose di casa..pomodori che san di pomodori e carne che sa di carne...
devo aver messo su un due sani kili...che di certo nn li voglio perdere...
vado controccorrente...
anzi se potevo rimanere ancora qualche giorno in piu' ne avrei messi molto volentieri degli altri...
scusate ma una grigliatina cosi' la state a guardare pensando alle calorie?
io no di certo....anzi...penso solo a quanto adoro quella salsiccia con l'anice...
le amiche sarde sanno di che parlo....vero ragazze?
Al nostro rientro Beatrice e' "svenuta" in aereo..dormendo tutto il viaggio...ed era buffissima...tutta sporca di cioccolata...nn l'abbiamo pulita per paura di svegliarla...
and instead 'was awake and talked all the way ... then after realizing that there could be air in a bathroom and' wanted to go .. and after entering 'was so' fascinated that he wanted to stay for the whole trip. .. it 'valeria six tremendous ....!!!!
Tomorrow back to school after a month of absence .. who knows 'that will tell' the teachers ....

In a future post I will let you 'see the beautiful gift that Giorgia me ... my girlfriend knows me very well ... has found a fantastic shop that .... Of course the next day I visited for about an hour talking with the owner .. coccolissima Mrs. Rita ... if you happen to go to chaff and '... I recommend a shop that has lots of wonderful goodies ... all highly sought after ... Very soon
postero 'too old work done before Christmas ... I wanted to take a break as well as creative in my head even on my blog ...
Thank you, from here in the meantime, all you friends that you left me ... best wishes for the many mail to sms nn about facebook ... slowly I'll put 'at the same .... going to thank you personally. ..
I greet you and embrace them with a pinch ner core is
bieusu piciocchedde