Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wholesale Buttercream Frosting

The winners are ....

thanks for the large participation in my blog candy for all the wonderful comments I received and for the many emails, really unexpected.
comments total 239
removing those deleted are doubles and 233
Extraction and 'was made with random
the lucky winners are .....

the number 54 which corresponds to Joan
the number 97 which corresponds to Raffaella

Joan wins the set of 40 x 40 pillow with vintage-style housing

♥ Giovanna ♥ said ...

What splendor Laura !!!!! congratulations .... Everything is so beautiful and elegant ..... No I just can not miss it! A big kiss

Giovanna F. Dear Joan
your side b grows ... disproportionately to those who won the blog candy you get here?
I hope with all my heart that every time you will be 'less creativity', and watching the posandoti on these pillows you can find ... and not make the street ....

while raffaella this set ...
brings a whole and a pouch sewn

Raffaella said ...

This blog candy you have fatto con il cuore... e il con il cuore partecipo!!! A presto e buon week-end!

devo dire che questo commento mi era piaciuto anche tanto..vero raffaella? te lo avevo anche  scritto....con il cuore hai vinto....

Avrei voluto poter fare un dono a tutte mi e' praticamente impossibile...spero di riuscire tra un po' a fare un qualche tutorial o a regalarvi un qualcosa di mio che potrete realizzare da voi...nn so abbiate fiducia..

E proprio in tema di progetti,mi ritroverete  nel prossimo numero di milleidee, che sara' in edicola tra il 3 e il March 6 ..... a real nice surprise ...?
again many thanks for your participation .. for all the wonderful comments you always leave me and that I can always return ... nn
you soon with new designs ready to go ... you thought that beat the weak??
well sometimes yes .. I admit it!!



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