Il Ponte febbraio 2011
X bridge in February 2011
Andrea FROM COSTA co-director of FILM WORLD LIFE IN A DAY "
For the young family codroipese Andrea Dalla Costa, 36, was the incredible feeling of being in the documentary film on the night of January 27 and repeated on 28, on YouTube, was screened world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival USA, the first leg of world tour which will presentato in tutti i Festival cinematografici. Tra i filmati che raccontano come si è vissuto in ogni parte del globo il 24 luglio 2010, c’è anche la scena della famiglia codroipese ripresa mentre mamma Vanessa, incinta all’ottavo mese, fa scoprire il pancione alle due figliolette di 2 e 4 anni. Una scena molto tenera che ha aperto la sequenza di come si nasce nelle varie parti del mondo, compreso il lieto evento in diretta di una giraffa.
Cos’è esattamente “Life in a day”?
Si tratta del primo film-documentario prodotto da Ridley Scott, regista di Blade Runner e il Gladiatore e diretto da Kevin Macdonald, premio Oscar nel 2000, in collaborazione con YouTube. Entrambi sono ideatori di “Life in a Day” o “La vita in un giorno”, l’iniziativa sperimentale che consiste in un lungometraggio realizzato con un collage di video registrati in tutto il mondo in un solo giorno: il 24 luglio 2010. L’idea era di documentare per il futuro, come si viveva nel globo nel 2010, e, nello specifico, in quel preciso giorno. La richiesta dei registi ha coinvolto in prima persona l’enorme popolo di internet che ha risposto in massa.
80.000 iscritti (oltre 4500 ore di riprese) da 196 paesi del mondo sono giunti alla loro selezione.
Come l’ha saputo?
Beh! Io non ho la televisione in casa mia, mai avuta. Sembra strano per uno che si occupa di comunicazione, però è così. Mi get up early in the morning and read news on the Web.
I'm a fan of Youtube and its July 24, five in the morning, I was in front of the monitor when I read the invitation of the renowned directors. I said "why not?"
So I filmed a few blocks of my life, that I would have lived normal anyway.
short, normal life, as they called for the directors. And then I sent them.
What has documented with his camera?
Dawn Iutizzo camps, the flowing water of the Tagliamento in Belgrade, killing a chicken my grandmother, my two year old daughter in the emergency room for a slight wound, the bells of Santa Marizza, while I cook, le mie bambine che studiano e accarezzano il pancione della loro madre, all’ottavo mese di gravidanza.
E poi cos’è successo?
La sorpresa più grande è stata ricevere direttamente da Kevin MacDonald la comunicazione di essere entrato nella ristretta rosa di coloro che fanno parte del film collettivo, “La storia di un giorno sulla terra attraverso gli occhi di migliaia di persone”della durata di 90 minuti, che testimonia la vita del 24 luglio 2010 in ogni angolo del mondo e attribuisce il ruolo di co-registi a tutti gli autori selezionati dei video e l’inserimento dei loro nomi sui titoli di coda. Un’emozione davvero grande anche perché, secondo Macdonald, il film rappresenta una "capsula time that will tell future generations as it was living at the time of the July 24, 2010. A unique experiment in social-movie. "And, even more intense, it was the time when my family saw the scene placed at the beginning of the sequences that demonstrate how one is born into the world.
preview World aired on the night of January 27, 2011 and repeated on U.S. 28 at the Sundance Film Festival Robert Redford.
those who missed the preview as you can see the movie?
will have to wait for the next film will be released on July 24 when on DVD. In the meantime it will be present in all the film festivals in the world.
's always possible But see my videos for "Life in a Day" on my channel / andreadallacostatv.
This worldwide experience, far-reaching, what gave her?
's one of those experiences that enrich without giving money. I do not hide that I was happy to be involved, beyond the result that took me by surprise. Having constant correspondence with the office of Scott MacDonald, giving each of you, well! This is not something everyday. And then the avalanche of interviews also nationally on radio and television stations confirms how powerful the web and how you can create masterpieces worldwide by entrusting their creativity to professionals of exceptional caliber, which probably never meet in person.
Creativity is also his profession. His comments as "multimedia adventure?"
I think the message will be increasingly important medium that conveys it, but the means has become crucial to enhance the message and, to paraphrase the titles of Hollywood film directors of the two, now I I feel a Gladiator Friuli to the court of the last King of Scotland, who is living life in a day.
Gemona First prize in the kindergarten "southern bypass"
The kindergarten Bypass South State Street won 1st prize in the competition in the Friulian language "ir, vue and Tomorrow Gemona del Friuli, won the sum of 300 €, with illustrations and the story" The pessùt d'aur ", edited by professors and Domeneghini Gianna Maria Luigia Gregorat, in school year 2007-08.
Illustrations and speaking voices of children were gathered in a CD that has been highly appreciated by the judges whom he may even throw in breakfast room. The 'Last year the school had won the second prize with the story "The ruje and the Pave" edited by the teacher Patricia Pizzolongo.
What could be more exciting than a show of being in the midst of a thousand children and hear them sing Christmas songs, despite the rain and gloomy sky, in an exceptional setting where Villa Manin? All orderly and attentive to the opening ceremony of the Choir of Angels, December 3, had come with the buses from various points of the region. They were children and teachers of nearly eighty schools that have decorated in their imagination the shapes of 860 wooden angels, meeting in the Choir ", exposed in space in front of the Villa during the Christmas season. They have been part of the "Choir" even the angels in kindergarten codroipesi “Caduti per la patria” e Rivolto oltre a quelli della primaria “Candotti” di Via Friuli. Con grande educazione i mille bambini hanno ascoltato i discorsi di saluto del Presidente dell’Associazione Regionale Pro Loco Flavio Barbina che ha coordinato i vari interventi delle autorità, tra cui quello del sindaco di Codroipo Boem che si è complimentato con tutti coloro che si sono impegnati a dar vita al bianco “Coro di angeli”. Il 21 gennaio, ancora bambini, anche se meno numerosi rispetto all’inaugurazione, erano presenti alla cerimonia di chiusura e di consegna di seimila euro raccolti con l’adozione degli angeli a “Casa Mia”. Anche in questa occasione le autorità, tra cui Flavio Barbini, Enzo Cainero, special commissioner of Villa Manin, Elio De Anna, regional councilor for culture, Biasiol, Provincial Education Office, had words of praise for schools and volunteers who made it possible to fit out a record that could , next year, crossing the borders of Carinthia and Slovenia. In a sign of creativity, the value of family and school relationships as vehicles for solidarity and peace.
inanellanti long hair and shiny as silk framing her face wise man, cultured, fleece of rare elegance. If they could tell ... they would know to write an 'encyclopedia ... with so many volumes as there are the springs of the prince of the notes, sound artist, the master organaio that since he was five years gives breath to her passion: to build organs. There beaming, her, sinking in the affected family members among which the one for his wife Marinella, and organ in the workshop of Codroipo, clearly announced by the gate with organ pipes. Here, for a successful life, tied at seven generations, and that gives him more excitement to a thousand, Gustavo Zanin created the cornerstones of its international reputation that ranks it among the leading personalities, those worthy of being part of the story of all. A heritage of her thick, but received a gift from his father held in his arms like a son to raise, with a name to be honored with cane body still awaiting divine vibrations that pass from human breath to get perfection. To become musical notes spell eternal.
"It 's the miracle that gives meaning to my days," explains Gustavo Grand Officer, with vocabulary and metaphorical sparks of light in their eyes - just a fingernail to move the diaphragm and to play Bach or discharge of a sink. I would not call myself an artist, I would be immodest, but I am satisfied with my tools. " The notes echo organ Zanin the world in all their perfection and taste lingers with kind eyes and aware of the fleeting time on those who follow in his footsteps, his son and grandson Charles Francis. "Many are the names behind the seal attached to our tools but the same last name: Zanin," Gustavo says simply, with a thought to the founder Valentino in 1823, he founded the Laboratory for the construction of organs Camino al Tagliamento . "He was a blacksmith with a passion for musical instruments" - precise - and with rare artistic skill has given rise to the organ building tradition that has allowed us to decorate temples of worship in Friuli and distant lands and in Camino is still here, under ' aegis of Franz Zanin.
He continues, telling of his friendship with an amused with Nureyev, the famous Russian dancer and when she came to her house to cook the risotto, or Mario Del Monaco, whose piano stands in the living room overlooking the park. Giving pills of wisdom, anecdotes and personal point of view on life and the world. Again with the typical manners of a gentleman.
Valentina Zanini "back" in the Borc Siôrs
A Valentine's Day, patron saint of Camino, a big party for Valentino Zanin, who in 1823 founded the Laboratory for the construction of organs. A blacksmith with a passion for musical instruments that started the tradition of organ building Zanin organ, whose shops are located in Camino and organaie Codroipo. All Zanin in Borgo Antico, who was in the house of their ancestors, seven generations ago, and now belongs to Locatelli, to commemorate 200 years of family history of organai. On the wall of the "Borgo Antico" is situated a stele, edited by Gustavo Zanin and signed by the families and Locatelli Zanin. It says that "In these places in 1823 Valentino Zanin (1797/1887), founder of a famous family of organ builders still in operation, with few skills and artistic sensibilities began the manufacture of these instruments. Temples of worship in Friuli and distant lands have been embellished and enriched by these works, giving glory also to our country Camino ". The ceremony involves the alternation of the Locatelli family welcome historic evidence of Dean Gustavo, reading an article in the July 16, 1863 Valentino inherent part of the younger grandchildren, at the unveiling of the stone by Franz and Gustavo Zanin. The music is entrusted to the Camino Choir, accompanied by the bodies Zanin and solemnized by the 'Hallelujah' in Candler, who was master of Valentino Zanin.
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